BLOOD Fan Questions
We are now taking submissions for BLOOD fan questions! All submissions must be posted on the comments section of this post. All submissions must be in by Monday, January 23rd by 8pm (EST). Only the 5 best, most thought provoking questions will be chosen. Any questions reguarding rumors will not be accepted as the will be addressed in the interview itself. Once again, only the really really head scratching questions will be asked, so do your best!
Is there anything you have always wanted to do that you have never done before?
If you could meet any person you wanted, who would it be and why?
If there was one experiance in your life that has changed you forever, what was it and why?
In your opinion, what are the three most important things in life, and why? (This includes both ideals and actual objects)
What do you feel is the most important thing you would like to accomplish in your musical career; what is your ultimate goal?
What or who was your inspiration for starting BLOOD?
If you were to extend your arms and wings were to flow from your back, where would you go?
Please excuse the spelling mistakes
If you were to die the next day, what would you do in the remaining 24 hours?
When you were a kid, did you ever think you would be an international rock star?
Who or what influences you in your life and music career?
Have any of you been to jail? and if so why and was it worth it.
Who do you look up to as a musician and how have they been an inspiration?
Have you ever thought of just quiting? Why or why not?
eep! ignore the last question i didn't even know about the rumors until i scrolled down and I seriously have to learn to read and not skim...
Do you guys play videogames? If so, what are your faves?
Do you have any plans to release your discography here in the states?
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