Tuesday, July 19, 2005

News Update: Tainted Reality's NEW Co-Host and The Behind The Tour Report

Tainted Reality has just hired it's first Co-host. Charles Buckner has just signed on as the other on-air personality for the show. Most of you probably don't know him, since the last time he was on WIXQ was before the BLOOD interview, but he made several appearances on Bad Transitions, and brought the show to a screeching hault several times with his witty, no-nonsence, fuck you humor, which I thought perfectly quallified him for the show. Please give him a warm welcome guys.

As for the BLOOD report, you guys may need to wait a bit longer. I've had to cut back my computer hours here at the Ocean City Public Library due to a heavy work load. I deeply apologise for this and assure you all that I have not abbandoned this report. I do promise to atleast have Part 5 up before Otakon, and I don't break promises.

Speaking of Otakon, I have just recieved my press pass in the good ol' inbox, so once again, I will be attending Otakon as a member of their press corp. But, this is all my game now, and I don't have to split air time with 2 other guys who thought that coverage of an event that had over 22,000 people and one of Japan's biggest bands ever in it was unnessecary, so I'm doing things my way this year! You can expect several stories from the convention on air, as well a blitz of pictures, and even video and audio clips right here on this very site (if we can figure out how to pull that off) all to appear soon after the convention. And maybe, I still haven't decided, I will interview some of the guest voice actors and air them on Tainted Reality. Maybe you guys can help sway my desicion?

BTW, does anyone know who the main musical guest is yet? Is it the Indigo? I've heard so many rumors about who it's supposed to be it's not even funny, so if ANYONE has any news, please contact me. If they've already announced it, forgive me for my ignorance, but I don't have time to go to the site (see how pressed for time I am?).

Lastly, as you all know, I have several interviews in the works. Well, two are slowly falling into place. I will not say ANYTHING about who they are until they become official, but I will give some clues. One is a relatively new band that shares the same name as the main character from a movie made by the man I interviewed at last years Otakon, but never aired because of technical problems. The other... well, here's an SAT clue for you Bad Transitions fans. "_____ is to me what Maynard is to you Andrew."

Run with that.
