Monday, May 24, 2010

Is TR having a panel at Otakon again?

I wasn't aware that we had one in past years! We were invited to JRR's panel last year if that's what you mean. So far, we haven't been invited to any panel at Otakon, but if you want us to be there, find out who's running the panel and have you and your friends tell 'em we should be there!

Just don't hurt me!

Do you bite your nails?

When it gets too long and annoying, and a clipper isnt near by, I will. But I fear hang nails like I do Obama-Care, and they were the bane of my early childhood. So, I don't bite often. When I do, I usually grab clippers first thing when I get home and edge it off.

Just don't hurt me!

What is your response to all the lemon fanfiction circulating around you?

Is all basic one page stuff that has me hooking up with a client and is just completely absurd? Their time can be better spent in both reading, and writing other material! I guarentee you no one would be writing it if I shaved my head. My hair seems to be my only redeeming physical trait.

Just don't hurt me!

Does it make you weirded out that guys are into you?

Naw, that's been going on since highschool. Nothing new

Just don't hurt me!

Well, adding on to the previous you know of the huge multitude of fangirls that want to be outside your window?

Those numbers are fudged. There are likely 2 or 3 people who don't know me personally who will completely forget about me in the next year when they find out I'm really just an uninteresting perv.

Just don't hurt me!

Did you feel kinda special when asked for a picture at nekocon? xD

I just don't know why people insist on my picture. I mean, now it would be cool coz I know you better, but back then, I had just met you. Why not take SA's pic!? ...oh yeah... forgot they have a photo policy now. Aimee was there and she's hotter! And has boobs.

Just don't hurt me!

Is there anyone you want to meet at Otakon this year? (Internet Friends?)

I'd love to do some kinda TR meet-up! But I think only 3 people would show up and I would likely know them already. lol. Other than that, not really.

Just don't hurt me!

What did you think of the 2 girls 1 cup video?

I've seen worse

Just don't hurt me!

Have you ever entered a stupid contest (like drinking a gallon of milk in 45 minutes and holding it down for 2 hours)?

No, but I keep doing this thing with the bands that we work with that I dare them to drink a whole bottle of ketchup, maple syrup, Tabasco, or what ever's at the table when we go out to eat. No one has taken the challenge, though it seemed like Hisashi of Suicide Ali almost did it.

Just don't hurt me!

Would you rather own your own store chain that's doing well for it's self, or own a diamond mine that you have to mine yourself?

I'd have to go with the store chain because I need challenges in my life. A diamond mine, you just hire people to keep digging, but with a store chain, there are goals, expansion, and competition. These kinda think keep me invigorated. That's why I don't like the idea of Heaven. Yeah, you spent your whole life working for it, but eternal paradise sounds boring without a continued sense of purpose.

Just don't hurt me!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

If somebody gave you a million dollars, and then a friend asked to borrow half of it, but you KNOW they need all of it… what would you do?

If they needed it for something like life threatening surgery, oh God yes! But if they needed it in the sense of "Dude I got caught snorting crack of the asses of 13 Spanish whores by the cops and ran over a puppy in my Lamborghini because I went full speed over a spike strip and crashed into a hotdog stand. Can you spare me some car repair, whore payment, and bail from that cool mill you got?". I'd be all like "Fuck you ho!"

Just don't hurt me!

Will you ask me a question? D:

I would if YOU WEREN'T ANON!!!

Just don't hurt me!

Here's a cliche: If your life were a video game, which would it be? XD Any genre.

I heard once that they were making a sim game about being a World of Warcraft fanatic. Basically, you would control your character, controlling his WOW avatar from an over the shoulder perspective. You would have to regulate, not so much the character's avatar, but his eating, sleeping, and bathroom habits. Its not really a game as much as it is voyeurism into the life of a WOW addict. Remove WOW and sub it in for computer work in general, and that would likely be me.

Just don't hurt me!

Where would you most like to go on vacation?

The Florida Keys. Words can't describe how beautiful those islands are, and I really miss them. It's been 7 years since I was there last, and when I was there, it was an almost magical trip as it was a time of great change in my life, and I came to the full realization of it all on that last trip. Every time I've been there (7 times now), I've had the time of my life, and I really hope I can go back some day. Hell, I've been tempted a few times to just drive down there on a whim, call in sick from work, and just sleep in my car. I love it there that much.

Just don't hurt me!

How would you describe your perfect meal? (Breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, linner, etc.) :D

For me, that's when after coming back to Philadelphia after a tour, trip, or con, feeling the relief that all of the stress and hard work is behind me, stepping off of the plane, being picked up by my grandfather, and grabbing a true Philly cheese steak. To me there seriously is no better "Welcome home", or meal than this. It has been a tradition of mine since I started Tainted Reality.

Just don't hurt me!

Friday, May 21, 2010

if you could create a dream band then who would you put in it?

That all depends on which kinda band I'm going for. I mean, I wouldn't put Johnny Cash in a grindcore band! Well, since my fave genre is Metal, lets go for a metal band.

Gotta start with a drummer, as a good drummer is the anchor to any good band. For that I would go with Gene Hoglan. The guy is a fucken beast when it comes to modern metal drumming, and is probably one of my top 5 fave drummers ever.

Next up would be bass... hands down Cliff Burton. Cliff both revolutionized, and perfected, the heavy metal bass. Any metal dream band without him is immediately inferior.

Guitars is important to me, coz I need someone not afraid to bust out an epic solo. I can't stand the trend now a days not to have solos in music. It makes songs feel so lacking. So, since I know him, and know how technical this beast can be, Teru.

Now, I also like the twin lead sound of bands like Versailles and DragonForce. I personally prefer a front man who can play rhythm him/her self (are there any VK front men who do?), but for the sake of getting more names in this super group, and getting some extra talent in with a different style that may compliment Teru's, John 5.

As for a front man, I'm gonna go outside of traditional metal vocal styles, and go for the more operatic. Hell, its been working for years for female metal vocalists in Europe, why not try a dude? Klaha.

Then I would have them do a cover of this

Just don't hurt me!

do you smoke? did you know a laser sable replic is about 300$? and yet i'm saving to buy one xD

Nope. Don't smoke. Other than certain vices, I'm completely straight edge. Now, if only I could get a good eating habit down, I'd be a health nut!

Just don't hurt me!

What would you do if Kiwamu threw you out a window?

Throw him out of a taller one

Just don't hurt me!

Which band has been the funnest to work with?

Can't really say. All of the people we work with are cool cats. Kiwamu is the guy I have the most personal relationship with, Takuya Angel has been the easiest to work with, and Versailles is the biggest band we've worked with. So, it's really difficult to say coz every tour and event has had its ups and downs, and incredibly memorable moments. I can't really choose!

Just don't hurt me!

Did Alex ever tell you that Sisen is mine? You don't know me, but trust me, he is. :)

Hey, you can tell me what ever you want, but telling his fiance is another thing all together.

Just don't hurt me!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I can has more wawa?

Dude man, i keep telling ya, get the hell outta that place! In the past HALF DECADE a hurricane flattened your home, and now you got the fucken worst oil spill in history to deal with. Move up here man. There's lotsa dick and mother fucken Wawa!

Just don't hurt me!

what do you think is the best movie ever made? Does this movie differ from your favorite movie ever?

People say the best movie ever made is Citizen Kane. I can't comment coz its far back in my Netflix queue. I'll follow up once I've seen it.

As for my personal favorite film of all-time, it's situated a lot. It's gone back and forth between the first two Alien films (I also have a deep appreciation for the 3rd one), the 3 initial films of the Star Wars saga, Battle Royale, and Yojimbo. But currently, my fave film, hands down, is The Dark Knight.

Batman has always been my fave superhero (with the exception of the time between 1999 and 2005 where they really doing anything too significant with the character). Even though the original Tim Burton film was what made me a life long fan, because of the standard set by the animated series, I never really felt that he was done true honest justice in a live action film. Then when I found out the director of Memento (another film that had blown me away) was directing a new, rebooted Batman, I got some hope. Batman Begins was an excellent film, but had some flaws that held it back from being truly great. Namingly some hammy dialogue, terribly shot and choreographed fight scenes, and some camera shots and plot points that were rough around the edges. I was interested in a sequel, but not overtly excited. I should have been as Christopher Nolan proved himself to be one of the few directors that has been able to identify his mistakes, and rectify them.

The Dark Knight rectified everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, wrong with Batman Begins. The dialogue was whitty and humanistic, gone was that shitty director's fad (popularized by The Bourne Identity) of jump editing and spaztic camera work for fight scenes, and the plot... the plot is easily one of the most fine-tuned, handcrafted stories ever written for a big budget film. This film finally gave my life-long hero the justice he truly deserved.

My praise for it is unending. The excellent casting, the grand, sweeping camera work, the multi-plot script that should have been a gigantic mess (think of all the multi-villain superhero films you've seen in the past and how many you think are actually good), or the moral and psycho logical conflicts it brilliantly develops and executes... It was just so well written and so well done that I can write a million articles on this film and still not do it justice.

It also hits me on a personal note because, as some people may know, my dream job is to become a film maker. One of the projects that I have been working on and developing in my head for almost a decade now is a live-action film adaptation of Sailor Moon. It went through several incarnations from a dark, gothic approach to an Americanized, R-rated blood bath drenched in moral ambiguity. I disliked these ideas, but somewhere in late 2004, I decided to go with a character driven, psychoanalysis about what it is to be a superhero, steeped in character development and creating a much more humanistic story based around the question "Imagine at the age of fourteen being told you have been chosen to save the world". I didn't know if there was an audience for this, or if it would ever be well received and began to doubt it. However, in 2006 I made the introduction public out of curiosity to see how people would react. The reaction was actually quite positive, but I still wasn't sure if something like this could be accepted by a mass market when some of the highest grossing films at the time were crappy Pirates of the Caribbean sequels and the soon to be released Transformers. I was scared any major studio that would pick this up would disregard my character driven story for a special effects driven adventure film with no real story. However, TDK proved to me that not only can a film like that be successful, it can become one of the top 3 highest money making films of all time. So, from now on when people ask me about this project, I sum it up as "The original Sailor Moon is more akin to the 1960's Batman. I want to do The Dark knight".

Just don't hurt me!

what do you think is the best movie ever made? Does this movie differ from your favorite movie ever?

People say the best movie ever made is Citizen Kane. I can't comment coz its far back in my Netflix queue. I'll follow up once I've seen it.

As for my personal favorite film of all-time, it's situated a lot. It's gone back and forth between the first two Alien films (I also have a deep appreciation for the 3rd one), the 3 initial films of the Star Wars saga, Battle Royale, and Yojimbo. But currently, my fave film, hands down, is The Dark Knight.

Batman has always been my fave superhero (with the exception of the time between 1999 and 2005 where they really doing anything too significant with the character). Even though the original Tim Burton film was what made me a life long fan, because of the standard set by the animated series, I never really felt that he was done true honest justice in a live action film. Then when I found out the director of Memento (another film that had blown me away) was directing a new, rebooted Batman, I got some hope. Batman Begins was an excellent film, but had some flaws that held it back from being truly great. Namingly some hammy dialogue, terribly shot and choreographed fight scenes, and some camera shots and plot points that were rough around the edges. I was interested in a sequel, but not overtly excited. I should have been as Christopher Nolan proved himself to be one of the few directors that has been able to identify his mistakes, and rectify them.

The Dark Knight rectified everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, wrong with Batman Begins. The dialogue was whitty and humanistic, gone was that shitty director's fad (popularized by The Bourne Identity) of jump editing and spaztic camera work for fight scenes, and the plot... the plot is easily one of the most fine-tuned, handcrafted stories ever written for a big budget film. This film finally gave my life-long hero the justice he truly deserved.

My praise for it is unending. The excellent casting, the grand, sweeping camera work, the multi-plot script that should have been a gigantic mess (think of all the multi-villain superhero films you've seen in the past and how many you think are actually good), or the moral and psycho logical conflicts it brilliantly develops and executes... It was just so well written and so well done that I can write a million articles on this film and still not do it justice.

It also hits me on a personal note because, as some people may know, my dream job is to become a film maker. One of the projects that I have been working on and developing in my head for almost a decade now is a live-action film adaptation of Sailor Moon. It went through several incarnations from a dark, gothic approach to an Americanized, R-rated blood bath drenched in moral ambiguity. I disliked these ideas, but somewhere in late 2004, I decided to go with a character driven, psychoanalysis about what it is to be a superhero, steeped in character development and creating a much more humanistic story based around the question "Imagine at the age of fourteen being told you have been chosen to save the world". I didn't know if there was an audience for this, or if it would ever be well received and began to doubt it. However, in 2006 I made the introduction public out of curiosity to see how people would react. The reaction was actually quite positive, but I still wasn't sure if something like this could be accepted by a mass market when some of the highest grossing films at the time were crappy Pirates of the Caribbean sequels and the soon to be released Transformers. I was scared any major studio that would pick this up would disregard my character driven story for a special effects driven adventure film with no real story. However, TDK proved to me that not only can a film like that be successful, it can become one of the top 3 highest money making films of all time. So, from now on when people ask me about this project, I sum it up as "The original Sailor Moon is more akin to the 1960's Batman. I want to do The Dark knight".

Just don't hurt me!

What do you think about before you go to bed?

If you don't already know, you don't wanna

Just don't hurt me!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Roger how does it make you feel that I've gotten about 6 requests for sex stories with you and selia?

Girls don't like actual sex stories. They like guys frolicking in a grassy meadow and sparkling eyes and hugging... So when you say sex story I doubt they want to think about Selia giving me a deep dicking!

Just don't hurt me!

If you could choose between dressing as SiSeN or acting like Mana for a whole day, which would you choose?

Mana coz I gotta lose a little gut before I try SiSeN. Though I dont think I can succed coz... well, no one, including myself, has ever gotten me to shut-up.

Just don't hurt me!

What do you think about come to Brazil someday? ;)

I haven't really had a reason too other than one day, I do wanna see the world, so absolutely!

Just don't hurt me!

What country do you like the most?

I've only been to a handful: The Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, Mexico and Japan. Out of all of them... Japan hands down. Going to Japan was a life long dream, and the country didn't disappoint. Not a single negative experience in the over 3 weeks I was there. Now, I really only saw Tokyo and the countryside in-between there and Narita airport. But everything about it was great. I'm no city boy (I grew up in the country), but Tokyo was quite different from the norm... mainly me not having to look over my shoulder after midnight. It was also the only time I ever traveled internationally completely alone, but I had (and made) alot of fantastic friends locally to help me learn the ropes.

Bermuda was really decent too, and I have a huge passion for the tropics. If you have a choice, stay far away from the Bahamas and go to Bermuda. Alot less crime and hustlers, and is an absolutely beautiful island.

Just don't hurt me!

not getting any action lately, huh? i could help u in that ;) ... PS i'm a girl ... just if you were wondering... oh~ roger for you i would stop doing whatever i'll be doing (even is that is a starwars marathon) just to do you <3 ... stalker much?

Don... did James slip something into your drink and make you say and do things you're gonna regret? If so, contact one of those helplines or something and they will help you get through this difficult, dark period in your life. Your friends are there for you!

Just don't hurt me!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Circumcised or not, and how big is it?

This is just a bad attempt to outdo Don's question! You know what? You wanna know? Come here and find out!

Just don't hurt me!

Circumcised or not, and how big is it?

Come over and find out for yourself.

Just don't hurt me!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What does it feel like to be somewhat of a celebrity in the overses Jrock world? Even to the extent :P

I really don't think I am one. I haven't really done anything deserving of any kind of fame. Really, when you think about it, my entire J-Rock based career is set around presenting other people's work to people. I have yet to display anything substantial that I have actually done. I am working on changing that and putting some of my own stuff out there, but until that work is warmly recieved by a mass amount of people, I sincerely doubt I have any fame behind me. Besides, only 2 people knew who I was at Tekkoshocon... and that was only coz they were close personal friends of mine!

Just don't hurt me!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mmkay. So you have the choice between A., spending all day with Peggy Giggles, or B. all day with Ron Hextall. Which would you choose? Why?

B because I've done A 10 million times by now!!

Just don't hurt me!

What is your ideal woman?

The one that challenges me.

Just don't hurt me!


And a boo boo doo to you!

Just don't hurt me!

What's your honest opinion on crossdressing jrockers? It doesn't seem to bother you, which is pretty cool, XD

Just that, it doesnt really bother me. Never really thought twice about it after the initial shock "WTF THATS A DUDE!?". I'm a pretty free minded thinker.

Just don't hurt me!

do you watch ice hockey? if so whos your fav. player

I do and the Flyers are really having me biting my nails atm as they are 1 loss away from dropping out of the playoffs! As for player, my fave all-time player is Ron Hextall, who was a former goalie for the Flyers. Now, he was a fantastic player. One of the best goalies I've ever seen. Hell, he was the first goalie in history to score a goal! But, I love him to death coz he was likely the meanest sonofabitch to step on the ice! He would look for ANY reason to start a fight, and he always owned who he went toe to toe with. Some of the fights he's been in are just incredible to watch! Most of them are on Youtube so I suggest checking it out.

And while you're at it, check out the game that wracked up the most penalty minutes in NHL for history, mostly all from fighting! Flyers vs. Senators in 2004!!

Just don't hurt me!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

if you could book any band for a U.S. live, active or disbanded who would it be?

Buck-Tick is my dream band to bring over, but I have neither the budget or experience to bring over a band of their caliber. But, if it would be anyone, definitely them.

Just don't hurt me!

batman or iron man?

Batman in a heartbeat. I grew up on Batman and he has always remained my favorite super hero. He has just been always the most interesting character out there, with villians that weren't just lunatics, but actually challenged him. You can also do so much stuff with Batman that you can't do with other heroes, like really delve into the human psyche. I always maintained that Batman: The Animated Series was the best representation of Batman, that was until The Dark Knight which I named as my fave movie of the decade in my blog. That movie was just so well done, that it really moved comic book movies into an area where can be respected along side films like The Departed or Mystic River. However, now I am actually reading the comic books based on Batman, and they are soooo fucking good. If you wanna see something truly amazing done with Batman that has a striking art style, and will keep you thinking about it for months, read Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. It blew my mind!

So, yeah, Batman all the way!

Just don't hurt me!

what's the most embarrasing song you (for no reason) liked? Ex. i was really into "Believe" (cher) why? i have no idea? i just kept listening to it :/

I'm gonna have to go with Backstreet Boys "I Want It That Way". I've kinda been know to have stuff that makes people got "WTF" when they see my iPod. But, I put it on here because, after our in-store event at the Cure Shop in 2009, the lead singer of the opening band for BLOOD and GPKism was taking us back to his place, and I forget how it came up (I think we were just wanking about 90's music), but all of the sudden, him, Gothique Prince Ken, (I think) DJ SiSeN, and I all started busting out that song. And we all knew all the words too! It was a HUGE WTF moment! And why did it have to be that song!?

Just don't hurt me!

What do you think about my formspring name? -John

That is one fucking epic profile pic.

Just don't hurt me!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

do you own an animal

I actually grew up on a farm in the south eastern most area of Pennsylvania. We had a host of animals there. Dogs, cats, horses, chickens, and a ton others. Unfortunately, right when TR left FM and started the Internet Radio Network, I lost my home of 20 years. This was when I moved in with my grandfather... who will not let me own anything. It sux because I am so used to having animal companions around, I almost feel lonely not having something bounce up into my lap that I can pet while doing work, or curl up with me when I fall asleep.

Before I moved, I did have a cat that I adobted from my ex-girlfriend. This was a real nasty cat too. Hated everyone. Clawed the fucken hell outta my arm the first time I tried picking it up. But, I was a dog person all of my life, and in what may not have been a smart move with other cats, I treated it like a dog. However, it worked and we kinda bonded that way. She hated everyone else, but really started warming up to me. It got to the point were, even though back then I had a bunk bed, and always slept on this top bunk, this cat who hated everyone would find a way to climb up to my top bunk and curl up in my lap and fall asleep. When my grandfather wouldn't let me keep it, I had to let my father take it with him to Kentucky. And no one living down there likes her, so I feel bad for them and her. Also, every now and then when I can visit, I realize she's pretty much forgotten who I am. I mean, she's been living there for 3 years now, and my time with her was only 6 months.

I have some other heart wrenching animal stories to, but I gotta run to work! mAYBE SOME OTHER TIME!

Just don't hurt me!

lol, that wasnt Don~ XD

I'm just gonna pretend it is

Just don't hurt me!

Do you like being corrected on how to pronounce your bands names?

Don, when I see you again, I'm gonna rip off your balls and feed 'em to James as I strap you to a chair and make you watch!

Just don't hurt me!

Will you have my children? Also. Will you ever call me, asshole? >:|

I'm kinda undecided about kids. Kids bring out a real positive side in me, coz I still see myself as one. But then again, I don't know if that's only in small doses. A friend of mine has a kid and he drives her a little batty. So, I honestly dunno...

About the latter, how about now? Asshole. There.

Just don't hurt me!

have you ever been a troll?

If I gave an answer to that, I wouldn't be a good troll now, would I?

However, I think many people know that I'm an expert at being obnoxious and fucking with people!

Just don't hurt me!

what's the most embarrasing song you (for no reason) liked? Ex. i was really into "Believe" (cher) why? i have no idea? i just kept listening to it :/

I'm gonna have to go with Backstreet Boys "I Want It That Way". I've kinda been know to have stuff that makes people got "WTF" when they see my iPod. But, I put it on here because, after our in-store event at the Cure Shop in 2009, the lead singer of the opening band for BLOOD and GPKism was taking us back to his place, and I forget how it came up (I think we were just wanking about 90's music), but all of the sudden, him, Gothique Prince Ken, and (I think) DJ SiSeN all started busting out that song. And we all knew all the words too! It was a HUGE WTF moment! And why did it have to be that song!?

Just don't hurt me!

you're cute ;D ♥

Maybe, but Izzy is cuter!

Just don't hurt me!

Tell the story about Daniel wetting the bed.

I wasn't there! You tell it Matthew! Also tell them how he mooned the cops and likes disco balls!

Just don't hurt me!

Pizza Hut or Dominos??

Oh boy, first day of having this and people already stumbled on to both of my day jobs! From September to May every every year, I work for Dominos. I have been doing this since 2004, and is why I am able to get the time off I need for tours and shit coz the corporation is cool with it. So, for the sake of everyone out there, I say Dominos.

...buuuuut, I have been eating their damn pizza so much the past few years that I only do it out of necessity this days. So, if someone is proposing a choice to a group, they can't even finish their sentence before I yell "PIZZA HUT!"

Ask me anything

Why dont you just buy out NASA because Klaha was spotted eating at Pigfarts on Mars?

If I had the money to buy NASA, I would just lasso fucking Japan and drag it right off the coast of California to make everyone's life easier. It would cost just about the same anyway.

Ask me anything

Which one was the most memorable concert you ever organised?

All of them are ingrained in my mind one way or another, whether they be fore good or bad reasons. But right now, the double headliner shows with Luzmelt and Suicide Ali at Tekkoshocon are the ones that stand out the most. We were off air pretty much from January to then, and I was kinda having a personal falling out with this scene. I really needed some motivation. Meeting up with my friends in SA and making new ones in Luzmelt helped, but how they performed and seeing the crowd reaction was exactly what I needed to bring me back. They shows went off so well (for the most part) and were so inspiring for me that right now, positively, they are the most memorable. I had never seen both fans and bands that happy in my career, and it's really stuck with me!

Ask me anything

Do you have a rocket ship then, Roger? Because Pigfarts is on Mars.

Ah man dude, you serious? We gotta start a fund raiser so we can get up there. Do they take live bands? Kiwamu owes me a favor and I may call one in so I can get to this place!

Ask me anything

you are famous?

The day that someone stops me on the street and says "Dear god your show is terrible!", I would say nope! Until then, I'm just some snot nosed kid doing an internet radio dig out of his grandfather's house! Don't think I'm famous at all.

Ask me anything

Have you ever been to Pigfarts?

Please tell me that's a resturant, coz with a name like that, I would so fucking go there in a heart beat! Hell, I'll treat ya to dinner dude for suggesting it!

Ask me anything

Kick the wall.

You know what, I bet you were the one that requested Burial Applicant last Thursday! Well you know what, I head butted a damn wall, and slammed a lamp over my head. It's time for you to pay up, Miss!

Ask me anything

How many fancy outfits do you have?

Not many coz that shit is expensive! Right now, I only have 3, and my jacket that I'm most know for wearing at events is over 5 years old. I also have a move VK looking shirt that I wear sometimes that Matt gave me as a late Christmas present just before A-Kon 2008, and a newer one that I bought just before J-Classical Industrial Nation. It's a Voltaire-style outfit that is meant to look post-Victorian in style. Turn of the last century type outfit. However, the top hat I got with it doesn't work well with my hair. It kinda makes it poof out and looks weird under the hat. So I opt out of the hat. I also have a BoB Klaha style jacket that was custom fit for me by a friend. The last time I wore that was at Versailles' NYC show. There, a button popped off, so I gave it to a personal friend of mine, and staffer that was helping out, to stitch it back on. It must be the hardest damn thing ever to stitch coz I still haven't gotten it back!

Ask me anything

are you stil being emo?

It was a joke! Could it have been more obvious!? It was more or less me trying to shake things up a bit and do something different on TR, and also try to push a personality who I hope may become a regular on TR, Izzy. But too many people took it seriously, and I got alot of messages from people seriously trying to cheer me up! I thought the stereotypical emo cantation I was reciting, or periods where I would break character and think out loud that something wasn't emo enough, would have been a dead give away. But I guess alot of people didn't get the joke!

Anyway, yeah, I'm doin' fine. Got a whole lotta Batman graphic novels to read through today which is gonna be uber nice!

Ask me anything

How bad of an idea did you think it was to get one of these?

Could be a double edged sword, but I always liked Q&A, having been on both ends of it myself, and organizing it multiple times for the artists we work with (who have almost always seemed to have fun with it too). So, I'm not really thinking about the negatives right now, but I'm sure one may pop up sooner or later!

Ask me anything

OMG! i do use this :D favorite song of all times?

Wow, this is a hard one. Sometimes it depends on when you catch me, but for the past few years its been between Malice Mizer's Shiori, Metallica's Fade To Black, and X Japan's Art Of Life. All 3 songs have moved me to tear and are exquisitely powerful in their own rights, but sometimes, Art of Life takes the edge as it hit me in a time in my life when the lyrics really spoke to me and it was something I could personally relate to. I remember listening to it almost every day during my 45 minute daily drive to college really thinking about the way the song was composed, the meaning of the lyrics, and my situation in life at the time. A lot of people bash that piano solo, but (at least in my own personal interpretation), I know why its there and will defend it to the death as an integral part of the song.

The other song I love for other reasons, but as I insinuated, in terms of lyrical content, atm I have to go with Art of Life. For Shiori, I never really had a personal thing for vampires, which may surprise a lot of you as I have worked with 2 vampire bands so far, but I was always more of an alien guy when it comes to things that go bump in the night. And as for Fade To Black, never really been suicidal.

Ask me anything

what's your favorite ice cream

Wow, you opened a fucken flood gate with this one. I don't think giving one word or one sentence answers is good for this thing, or even interesting. So, out of respect for you guys, I will opt always for the long version of the story. lol.

I fucken love me some ice cream. Can't get enough of it. If I ever had an addiction... it would probably be masturbating but next to that is ice cream. I love ice cream so much, that its been my summer job for years. In fact, this summer is my 10th anniversary in the business! True, the pay is good, but the upside is fucken free ice cream!

Anyway, I make it a point to have as many different types and brands of ice cream as I can (yes, I take this far too seriously). One of my fave's is from a Pennsylvania local brand called Turkey Hill and they make the best peanut butter ripple ice cream ever! And who ever found out peanut butter and ice cream go together is a fucken genius coz I like it better than with fucken jelly!

Other than that, vanilla bean ice cream will always be my standard go, to. And for a surprisingly awesome taste, have it with pretzel rods. Just take a bite of ice cream, and with it still in your mouth, munch on a pretzel rod. trust me, its the shit!


Ask me anything

Saw that this was getting so popular that DJ Balmerick signed up for one, and I'm NOT about to let him surpass me in social networking!

Saw that this was getting so popular that DJ Balmerick signed up for one, and I'm NOT about to let him surpass me in social networking!