Thursday, September 29, 2005

The 4th Edition of Tainted Reality TONIGHT!!!!!

Hey guys! The 4th edition of Tainted Reality is tonight! We have a few things on the agenda for this show including a review of The Polysics show in Philadelphia this past Tuesday, a new Stoopid People segment, and a show long celebration of the release of HIM's long awaited 5th album, Dark Light, which will include tracks from the album being played through out the show, as well as other HIM favorites from the past!

Unfortunately, Charles cannot make it tonight as he is caring for his ill girlfriend. Please show him your support tonight but wishing for her quick recovery on the blogger's comments section!

I hope to have something....out of the ordinary...happen in Charles' absence.

I look foward to hearing from you guys, and please make requests tonight! And if you reallly really really REALLY wanna make me jump for joy, make some HIM requests! Please don't forget to tell your friends to tune in!


P.S. To listen in, please follow the instructions at the top of the page.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Tainted Reality on Bit Torrent!

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This site, Thanx to Malice Mizer Inc, is hosting a torrent of last week's show!

Simply create an account here and download it from I haven't tried it yet, but if you have any problems, please post about it here and I'll get crackin on them lickidy split!

Thanx again Malice Mizer Inc!!!!


P.S. For last week's show rundown, check the post below

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Yay! No Door!

It was about time we got those things last week out of the way. Here's the play list:

Pierrot - Heaven
*The Rita Hurricane*
D`easpairs Ray - In Vain
Kagrra, - Nanagatsu Nanaoka
BLOOD - Forever Lost

*Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children*
Buck Tick - Romance
Malice Mizer - Gekka no Yasoukyoku
Dir en grey - Clever Sleazoid
Mindless Self Indulgence - Last Time I Rocked Your World
Skinny Puppy - Pro-test
Kuroyume - Fake Star
Onmyouza - Rasetsu
L`arc~en~ciel - As One
Gazette - Carry?

*Stupid People - Otakon Theif*
Hyde - Countdown (NEW ROCK)
Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Sealing
BLOOD - I Remember You (Vengeance For BLOOD 2)
Hora - Inner Universe
Nightmare - Akane
Antique Cafe - Odon meruhen tokei

*Otakon 2005 Coverage*
Psycho le Cemu - Area
CKy - The Way You've Lived Your Life
12012 - Ame, Saku Giora Tosareta Nakaku
KMFDM - Free Your Hate (NEW ROCK)
*The Blitz Round - Emo - Bright Eyes*
Suicide Ali - Shikei
Miayvi - Rock is NOT Dead
hide - Erase

We started the show off with a bit of talk about Rita. We expressed concerns over how the storm would affect even us in PA, and a plea for everyone in the area of the hurricane to be safe. Luckily, the the only fan I think the show has in the area, Myra from Huston on the Batsu boards, is safe and well.

Later on in the show, we discussed Advent Children, joined by guest Craig Carestia, who had a bit of a problem d/ling the film because of assholes on Limewire who rename French Porn into highly downloadble items. I did, however, see the movie, and I was honest... I was a bit disappointed. I was really hoping there would be a good solid story that would further the legend that is Final Fantasy VII. However, what we got was a non-stop action fest with only slightly more story than Arnold Schwarzenegger's Commando. I will hand it to Nomura though, the action was pretty kick ass and stylish, but it just wasn't what I wanted in this film. But hey, this is my personal opinion. If you think I'm full of shit, proclaim it in the blogger and tell us why!

We did our first Stupid People segment this week and discussed a theif at Otakon who was crying that he got banned for 3 years. I have no sympathy for theives, so it felt only appropriate to have this be our opener to this re-invented skit. Fan reaction was pretty hostile towards the theif, and a few comments were read on air. This will be a feature for future stupid people segments, so feel free to put in your two cents!

We finally did our Otakon 2005 coverage. Basically, despite the appearence of a major musical guest, the convention still was alot of fun! You can tell the convention took strides to make up for it by adding more panels and doubling the size of the dealer's and game rooms! One thing I didn't mention which rather pissed me off was that they were very strict on signs this year. You couldn't be creative at all, only "Hug Me" signs. I saw convention officails harass people with seemingly innocent signs that they were not allowed to have them, which I thought was pretty fucking rediculous. I even tried the sign thing for the first time with a message that concerned vampires and necking people, but within 2 minutes of me entering the convention with it, I was told by officials to get rid of it. No fun. Other than that though, Otakon oh five was a huge blast!

Lastly, we officially resurrected the Blitz Round from Bad Transitions and re-invented it a bit too. Now, instead of us taking randomly bad songs and picking them apart, we have changed it into a big "Fuck You" to MTV culture by taking popular songs from popular genres, and tearing them, the artist, and their fans a new asshole. For our first, we decided to ridicule the second most annoying group of people on the planet, Emo kids, and took on one of their flagship bands, Bright Eyes. For further details about this, Malice Mizer Inc has kindly posted the entire show on bittorrent! A segment like this cannot be exlained, only heard. I'll post the link later on tonight!

Once again, please don't forget about our upcoming events! First is our exclusive interview with band new mofo J-Rock band, Suicide Ali which will air October 20th. Check them out at their website Please tell your friends about this balls-out-rockin up-and-cuming band! Second is the Tainted Reality Logo Creator Give-away. Once again, send us your original, uncopyrighted logos and symbols that you come up with for the show, and if you win, you will recieve a J-Rock Care Package, a T-Shirt with your design on it, and your logo will become the official logo of Tainted Reality! The deadline for this has been EXTENDED to November 9th! Multiple submissions ARE accepted. Please send all submissions to

Well, we cried like Emo kids that no one is posting comments anymore. So are you guys gonna make us happy, or are we gonna have to slit our wrists out of attention, hold 'em up to you and say "My blood is a red as the pain you bring to my soul"?


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Advent Children, Theives, and Finally, Otakon Coverage all TONIGHT!!!!!

Hopefully, tonight, the fucken door won't be a factor and we can do a real show. Besides all of the stuff mentioned in the title, we got brand spankin new Hyde, KMFDM, and Dir en grey lined up from you! Don't forget to make requests via the request lines: 717-872-3518 or 717-872-3519 as well as the AIM name WIXQ917. Batsu guys, I dunno if I'll be making my rounds tonight during the show, so your best bet for requests is to call or IM. Last week was a..... special exception.

To listen in, just follow the instructions at the top of the page that Charles so kindly put up there! I hope to hear from ya guys and I will try and fulfill as many requests as possible!


P.S. When making requests, please include Song Name - Artist - Album - and Track

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Behind the Tour: Vengeance For BLOOD 3 Part 7 - The Finale

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Waking up was a bit of a somber expirience. You can feel it in the air. Everyone knew it was the last day and they didn't want to admit it. The plan for the day was that everyone was gonna go to the convention, Fu~ki and Kiwamu were gonna sign autographs and sell merch with the girls and I, Kaede was going to do stuff backstage, Yuu and Noa were gonna do some shopping with Antonio, then one true last live, and finally, judge the female cosplay contest. The guys didn't want to get in full costume. They wanted a mainly casual show, so they got into make-up, but some..... kinda normal clothes. As we waited in the lobby for our ride, I snapped some photos.

In the following phots, see if you can guess what thefave band amoungst BLOOD and staff is:
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I gotta work on my ugly poses
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From left: Shelly, me, Miwa, Leslie
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Just kinda wiating around
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I want cool red hair extentions!
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He's mine.... that's right

We got to the convention and slowly set up shop. As we did, some fans started stoping by, asking for autographs, photos, hugs, proclaiming their love for the band, ect. Soon, it was like working the booth any normal day, only alot bussier! Once people noticed that BLOOD was actually there, they started coming more and more, sometimes multiple times! The guys loved posing for photos with the fans, signing autographs, giving hugs, and even kisses! I've heard some American fans complain that Kiwamu's not too fan friendly. After seeing this, I beg to differ. He had a great time reaching out to the fans, being all dark and evil, signing autographs, and never once seemed bothered or adgitated. Infact, he was really enjoying it! Soon, for some reason, some fans even started asking for MY autograph! I tried telling them in Spanish that I wasn't important and wasn't in the band, but they didn't care... so for the first time in my life, I signed autographs!

After a while, Fu~ki tugged on my shirt and said he wanted to walk around the convention and for me to be his bodyguard! I had never been a bodyguard before, but I agreed and we went out into the dealer's room. At first, no one stopped us. We walked around, looking at all the stuff on sale. At one point we turned to eachother and comment about how so much of of the stuff on sale was bootlegged. I wondered how the vendors could get away with this. However, soon enough, people started stopping him and asking for the usual. I had to play crowd control. As the groups gathered, I pointed at who was next and took photos for those who had no one to do it for them. At one point, we made our way up to a weapons booth. Fu~ki was very interested in this. He kept picking up different weapons and trying them out.
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He kept asking for prices. I thought he was gonna buy something! But alas, he did not. After strolling around a bit longer and having wave after wave of fans approach us, he decide to go back. Besdies, it was almost time for the true last live!

BLOOD decided to do this final live as a surprise to the fans. It wasn't schedualed, but they were given the opportunity to take the stage again and they wouldn't pass it up. Kiwamu said I didn't have to film this, so I took the opportunity to enjoy the show from the crowd. Before I did, I caught BLOOD's usual before show ritual, however, this time, they brought Antonio in for it! The guys all grew really close to him, and to see them bring him in on such an exclusive ceremony was very heart warming. I emerged from the backstage area and fitted in with the now gathering crowd. After the organizers did a good job of hyping the crowd up, BLOOD finally took the stage. After being on stage with the band three nights in a row, it felt weird to be in the crowd, but at the same time, a bit better. It was really great to actually enjoy the show for once! However, I think I wasn't aware of proper crowd etiquette. See, usually at show, I like to go crazy ape-shit nutz, which I did here. I was screaming the words of the songs, jumping up and down, and banging my head like a motherfucker. The people around me, though, seemed rather alarmed. But, instead of getting pissed off, they seemed amused by me and gave me space to flip out! One really nice girl in particular offered me her water bottle! If she is reading this, thank you very!!!!

The actual show was something very very different. Other than the obvious lack of costumes, this show was a complete parody of the shows before it! Things like Kiwamu going to bite Fu~ki during Funeral, then Fu~ki doing a karate move to block him, to Fu~ki being melodramatic and half stripping, then the other 4 jam their guitars straight up his ass... it was pretty hillarious! The concert still managed to pack the same amount of energy as the last three too, despite it being at noon. The band was able to get people off of their feet, jumping in the air, clapping along, waving along, and all the usuals just as if it were a normal show! They concluded with an encore, as usual, and taking their bows.

After this, I went back to the booth, where Shelly was feeling rather sick. I went around to the officials pleading for help as she seemed really really bad, and while they all said they would do something, nothing ever came of it. I decided that the only way I was going to provoke any reaction was if I adgitated the snake. So, I ran backstage as the band was preping for the contest and told Kiwamu the situation. He rushed out to her and made sure something was done. However, when Kiwamu confronted TNT officials, they said there was nothing they could do, so I offered to take her back to the hotel in a cab. Kiwamu gave me all the cash he had and told me to take care of her. With Antonio's help, we flagged down a cab outside of the convention. Antonio had to stay behind however to help the band with the contest. Being in a Mexican cab with a sick person with me was kinda scary, however, I lucked out by getting a cab driver who spoke English, which made things a bit easier. He got us to the hotel faster than Daniel ever did, and I gave him a handsome tip. I brought Shelly up to her room and went down to the front desk to try and get her some meds. They were very helpful and offered to go out and get them themselves. Luckily, these things really did the trick for her! After she felt better, we chatted a bit about the band and some past expiriences. She really had some funny stories to tell (none which I will repeat), but after a while, she wanted to lie down, so I retreated to my room. I turned on Fox News, which was the only thing on in English.

Have you ever fallen into a deep sleep in the middle of the day, didn't know it, and then wake up and have a sudden sense of alert as you don't know where time went or why? This is what happened when I woke up at 9pm to the sound of Kaede's voice. My eyes opened facing the window, which was pitch black. I was like "WTF happened?! it's 5pm!" Then my next thought was "Why are their people in my room?!" I turn around and there's Kaede talking with Miwa. He notices me waking up and says something to me playfully in Japanese and giggles a bit. I partially ignore it and look at the clock, and as if I didn't believe it when I woke up looking outside, it was nighttime! I started chanting "Oh shit" to myself as I decided to find out what I missed. Turns, out the guys had just got back, and were about to go out to dinner, so I kinda tried to wake up by splashing water on my face. Luckily, on the way to the car, just because Yuu was being Yuu, he woke me up real quick when he jumped Daniel. I snapped these photos:
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Don't ever try to explain to Yuu in English how to operate a camera

Well, we went to a resturant in a really old section of town that was made of cobblestone streets. The resturant was pretty big and rich with 19th century style architecture. The place looked like it was closing, but they took us in anyway (I imagine we had a reservation), and took us to a private, yet spacious room on the third floor. There we sat a long table and were given menus. I sat across from Kaede, with Yuu on my left, and Shelly and Leslie on my right. As we were ordering, Kaede and I got into this weird game where we kept making funny faces at eachother. I don't know what brought this on, but it was pretty amusing for a while. I figured "While in Mexico, eat like a Mexican" so I ordered some chicken fajitas. After we ordered, Kaede and I tried to have a conversation, but the language barrier made it difficult. So, I started teaching him some English phrases. Then Yuu decided he wanted to learn some stuff too. However, when I was teaching him, I turned into a 2nd grader and was making him say stuff like "I suck big dick" or "My asshole hurts".

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Yuu is one crazy mother fucker

At one point, I tried to teach to say "I have a small penis" but it came back as "I have no penis". The girls and I started dying laughing, and everyone else, since most didn't speak English, looked at us like "WTF?". So, Kaede started taching me some Japanese phrases, but the girls start giglling under their breath again. I knew Shelly knew a little Japanese, so I though Kaede was doing the same thing to me that I did to Yuu! I look over at him, and he's eating some soup. I keep repeating what Kaede's saying, and the girls start laughing more. I ask them "What's he making me say?" and they just shook their head. I turn over to ask Yuu, who's still eating soup, then I was like "Oh yeah", and just kinda sat there like "Kaede? Bad words? Naaaaaawwwwww".

I found out a month later that when Kaede was teaching me the phrases, Yuu was behind me making crazy faces and flipping me off.

I owe him now.

After dinner... well, I'll let the photos explain themselves. You can blame Yuu for this too:
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When we got back, Fu~ki told me he was not going to sleep, but stay up all night so he can sleep the whole plane ride home. Considering my nap earlier, I decided to join him. Yuu, Noa, and Kaede had the same idea, so we all kinda hung out in Fu~ki and Kaede's room. Fu~ki and I were just talking about what we had going on and what we wanted to do in life, that kinda talk. I didn't talk to the other guys too much because I didn't feel like dealing with the language barrier. We talked a bit too about how the Japanese public don't really see them as a goth band. Our conversations were short lived as Kiwamu soon appeared in the door way with all of his stuff and must have said "It's time to go".

We met Daniel and Antonio down in the parking lot. Shelly and Leslie were awake too to say goodbye to everyone. It was sad. No body wanted to say goodbye, but we had too. I shook everyone's hand and told them it was great to finally meet them and wished them a safe trip home. Then, Antonio turned to me and extended his hand. I said "I'm not going to see you again" and he said "Probably not". So, I took his hand , gave eachother a one armed hug and told eachother "It was nice knowing you". As they all piled into the van, Kiwamu said to me "I will see you on Wednesday". I was a bit confused, and then he said "On the MSN". I said "Oh", and gave him one last hug.

My last sight of the guys is the van driving off, and Yuu climbing over the luggage in the back, sticking his tounge out and flipping us the bird. The three of us let out a sorrowful laugh, and went back up to our room. The three of us just crashed in my room.

The next morning felt like we were soul survivors or something. We packed everything then and caught a cab to the airport. I gave the driver a tip that was larger than the fare, and we went in. We had lunch in the terminal and bought some suveniers for our family members. We met up with Becky and Calla again, and I had a good, long chat with them. Our flight was called and we all piled in. Soon enough, we were off back to the United States. Other than me having to haul major ass as there was only a half hour between flights in Chicago, it was a pretty smooth trip home. When we got back at about midnight, we called all of our family memebers to tell them we landed safely and we went to go get my car... which wouldn't start. Luckilly, the shuttle driver was really cool and gave us a jump. I dropped the girls off at 2am and they offered to let me spend the night, but I respectfully declined because I just wanted to get home. I should have taken them up on it because I was battling sleep sooooo hard on I-95 on the way home. I wound up pulling into a Wal-Mart on 322 and grabbed a half hour. I woke up and finished my trek home, concluding the night like I did almost every night during the tour: flopping on my bed and simply passing out.

Even though I didn't make the PV, I'm really glad I went. As you can tell, it kinda turned more into a vacation for me, but it wasn't just that that made me happy... it was the friends I made. With all due honesty, I went down there with the mentality of this being a business venture, viewing Shelly, Leslie, and Kiwamu as more like business partners, and Kaede and Fu~ki as celebrities who needed their space. It was nothing like that. Shelly, Leslie and I wound up getting so close that we talk almost regularly now. The same goes for everyone else. Yuu and Noa have since left BLOOD and are now forming their own bands. Yuu quickly went to work and formed his new band called Suicide Ali. Noa's band is still in the works, but I promise you'll hear more about his project in the coming months. Fu~ki, at this point, is cemented as BLOOD's deffinate lead singer as he has also taken the role as the band's producer. There will probably never be a 4th Period for BLOOD. Keade contiues to be shy and sweetly play bass for the band. And Kiwamu.... the work-a-holic that he is, he continues to write songs, plan events, schedual foreign tours, create art work, and find new ways to reach fans, gain new ones, and break out into the mainstream. One such innovation is mine and his joint creation of the official BLOOD Myspace, making them one of the few J-Bands to truely embrace this pop culture phenomenon.

As for me, as it stands right now, I still have the job as BLOOD's PV director. I have been invited to tour with them again to make this, and I will probably take this opportunity. I am also working with Kiwamu and Shelly on a few other projects to help BLOOD reach out to it's American audience. I hope these projects come to light as I have never seen a J-Band as committed to its international audience than BLOOD.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

Bittersweet Symphony

What was about to be the most disappointing show I had ever done turned out to be one of the most fun! Here's the playlist:

Nobuo Uematsu - Opening Theme/Bombing Mission (Final Fantasy VII)
*The Webcast isn't working? FUCK!*
Strike back of Psycho - Iceman
Nobuo Uematsu - Chrono Trigger Theme (Live Ochrestral version)
D`espairs Ray - Grudge
The Smashing Pumpkins - Zero
Onmyouza - Rasetsu
Kagerou - Holy Needle
The Backhorn - Ikusen Kounen no Kodoku
Kagrra, - Ouka Ranman
TOOL - Stinkfist
Machine - Sorrow
Dir en grey - Ash
Buck Tick - Love Letter
The 69 Eyes - Brandon Lee
Gazette - Carry
hide - Hi Ho
BLOOD - The Funeral For Humanity
Janne Da Arc - Freedom
Razed In Black - Blush
12012 - Shinshoku
Dir en grey - Obscure
Miyavi - sukki yanen myv ~myv man koushiki ouenka~ (first)
MUCC - Rojiura Boku to Kimi e
Miyavi - Rock and Roll is NOT Dead
Penicillin - Spade King
TMG - Greatest Show On Earth
Dir en grey - Child Prey
Suicide Ali - Favorite Song
Vidoll - Torikabuto
Mindless Self Indulgence - Shut Me up
Psycho le Cemu - Gekiai Merry Go-round
HIM - Wings of a Butterfly

The original plan was we were gonna do our coverage of Otakon 2005, but our special guests, The Night At The Roxburry guys, at the last second decided to go on sabbatical to Iceland(?). So, we then wanted to do a show dedicated to the release of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (thus the first few songs). However, before the first song even finished, several fans told us the webcast was down. I got in contact with our computer administrator who sent over our Production Assistant.... and this is where the fun (and frustration) began.

The fans said it was back up, so we continued the show and told the production assistant that it was up and thank you. However, only a few minutes later, the fans said it was out again! So I go ape-shit Kiwamu style. Then, several fans tell us they can hear someone yelling! I'm immediatelty like "WTF?!" and I ask them what they heard earlier. They said they heard a conversation. One problem, we never went to talk break. Then they quote stuff from the conversation. IT WAS THE CONVERSATION I HAD WITH THE PRODUCTION ASSISTANT IN ANDREW WEILER'S OFFICE!!! Our first thoughts were "How in the hell is this happeneing", as we go to see if the office is unlocked. It's not. So I scream into the door for the fans to hold tight as I try to find the PA. In the meantime, I turn up the speakers in the hallway, hoping it'll reach through the door. It seemed to work, though I imagine it sounded way shitty. However, many of you still listened in! Those of you who did were in for 2 hours of the weirdest fucking show I've ever done in my life!

Being in a weird mood as I was, I decided to fool around a bit... so I yelled random things at the door. Some of these things included proclaiming my love for the fans, Quagmire impressions, claiming Miyavi is my sex slave (he is too), Dir en grey kareoke, and announcing that I was a child molester hiding in your closet (for those of you under the legal age of consent). Charles got in on it too as he did some rather random shit like screaming "BANANA!". He also enlightened people with a story from his job that involved a dirty diaper, a stupid woman, and alot of food. By the way, his 21st birthday is tomorrow, so please wish him a happy b-day coz this is the big one!

Also, I had ALOT of fun going through the forums during the show. I can't believe you guys loved us that much! We're glad we could get those laughs, cheers, and "jolts" out of you! Tainted Reality's gratitude goes out to you!

A personal thanx goes out to AmyTasukada for keeping the people of Batsu informed of what was going on while we were having our difficulites.

Lastly, I want to remind people of things. One is our interview with Suicide Ali coming up on October 20th. If you haven't heard of them, don't worry coz they are brand fucking new and really deserve your full attention coz they fucken rock! Their website is once again linked below. Second is the Tainted Reality Logo Creator Give-away. Once again, send us your original, uncopyrighted logos and symbols that you come up with for the show, and if you win, you will recieve a J-Rock Care Package, a T-Shirt with your design on it, and your logo will become the official logo of Tainted Reality! The deadline for this has been EXTENDED to November 9th! Multiple submissions ARE accepted.

Next week, we hope to finnaly get our Otakon coverage down, and we'll also have a little talk about Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. As for now, feel free to leave what ever comments and ramblings you want in our comments section. They don't even really need to be about the show really. Comments just make us feel gooooooood!

Speaking of feeling good, I just wanna get out there that I'm single. However, sorry girls, Charles is taken!

-Roger - Suicide Ali's Official website which includes MP3s, band info, and contact info (They do not speak English)

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Behind The Tour: Vengeance For BLOOD 3 Part 6 - The Last Live (Sorta)

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To be honest, I started the morning bitching about my hair. It was being completely uncooperative like it always is, and at one point I yelled something about how the damn Japanese guys can get their hair to do what ever they want, mean while it looked like I was wearing something that looked like the bastard child of a mop and a beaver. I get fed up with trying to do it myself and asked the girls for help.... who suggested I wear my hair like Legolas. I've never done that so I was willing to give it a shot. When we get to the concert hall, Miwa (bless her heart coz I couldn't do this myself) said she'd straighten and style my hair. Well, it kinda worked. Remember, I'm not Japanese, so it still came out damn fluffy. I was really thankful she did it though coz I couldn't do that myself.

The band decided to come with us that morning to sort out some sort of business. I was surprised, coz they all came to sort it out in the open concert hall, with out make-up. Up until this point, I thought they had a Mana mentality that no one can see 'em without make-up. I guess I was wrong, but I think I kinda saw why they did it.
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As they were talking to the organizers and all, no one came up to them, no one asked for autographs, no one even talked them. Why? I don't think anyone recognized them! (Except maybe Fu~ki, but he kinda sorta stayed hidden). Speaking of Fu~ki, he pulled me aside and we started talking about the audience. Then, we started wondering how to get them to mosh during Funeral, DTMH, and Disease. I didn't think it could happen coz con goers anywhere are generally peacful people. So, if you guys ever see BLOOD in a real concert hall, don't be afraid to let loose!

Kaede and Fu~ki seemed to get bored after a while, so the usual antics ensued.
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The band soon had to leave, as they need to be back earlier than usual to judge the cosplay contest. So, once again, Shelly, Leslie, Janine and I were left to sell BLOOD merc. However, today, things got a bit difficult at times because it was only the four of us, where as before there were 7 and 3 spoke Spanish. Now, it was 1 and 1/8... the 1/8 being me (I studied 2 years in highschool). I did pretty good I thought. I was able to answer the basic questions, and whenever I had real trouble, Janine helped out. However, there was a small time period where she disappeared. This kinda left us in a bind coz I think I was the only one left that knew any Spanish! There was more than a couple of times the girls had to flag me over to help costumers because they didn't understand what was going on. I think I was able to help a bit, but my Spanish was so limited. I want to apologise to any Mexican fans who asked me for help, and I may have comnpletely answered the wrong question.

Anyway, Janine finally came back, and after that, things slowed down a bit, so I decided to explore this convention a bit. The place was packed making it almost impossible to walk. I felt really bad for the cosplayers with huge outfits as it was difficult for them to squeeze by people. The convention's main draw seemed to be the two huge dealers rooms from what I gathered. There was also resturants, a videogames room, and even vendors on carts making their way through the crowd! The people there were really friendly too. I had many people ask for my photo, even though I wasn't really cosplaying. Afterwards, they would try and talk to me, but I would have to ask them if they spoke English. It was about 50/50. Alot of people's first questions were where I was from, quickly followed by what I was doing down there. I don't think some of them believed me when I said I was there working for BLOOD, but I probably wouldn't either if I met a non-Japanese person at an American convention claiming the same thing.
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I just HAD to ask her for a photo
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This was just simply amazing
I soon returned to the booth and we all had lunch. Soon after, the band returned, and they set up to judge the male cosplay contest. All I have to say is "wow". Alot of these costumes put American cosplayers to downright shame (This judgement is based on the 4 anime conventions I've been to, so I'm not as seasoned as most). But any time someone wears a costume with a 15 foot wingspan, or a fully anamatronic Alien, you can't help but be deeply impressed!
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Unfortunately, these were the best pics I could manage from the contest of the band.
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Once again... wow...

After the contest, Larkspur took the stage one last time to their largest crowd which went nuts. Unfortunately, once again, I missed the show as I was backstage helping the band, but from what I understand, they put on a fantastic show. Tonight, all of the band members were coming up to me saying "During this song, at this part, I'm going to do this. Make sure you film it!". I knew the fans were in for a real treat.

They stormed on the stage, opening with Funeral, and didn't let anyone down, whether it be all of the blood spitting, vampire biting, head ripping, head banging, no one in the audience was still or quiet. All moments were perfectly caught on camera too, so hopefully, Kiwamu does decide to release a DVD. They even busted out with a 4 minute version of DTMH which turned into a powerful rock anthem . The crowd chantted and screamed the lyrics at the top of their lungs as Fu~ki held the mic over their heads. At one point, and I had no idea this was coming, but I was filming NoA and Fu~ki duetting, when Yuu steps into the picture with a lit cigarrette, and put it off with his chest! The guys were going nuts: yelling at the crowd, running all over the stage, climbing speakers, throwing water at the crowd, coming up to the camera, screaming random Japanese at it, then just going absolute ape shit, and with them in these humongous costumes, it was a true sight to behold. It got even crazier when a few girls up front started flashing the band! I had never witnessed anything more rock in my life! For the encore finale, the entire band took center stage and NoA and Fu~ki, arms over eachother's shoulders, did a true duet. At the end, like the end of a play, all five stepped up and took a bow, followed by the entire band and support musicians, hands held, in unison, taking one final bow.

I thought they were gonna die after that when they got off stage. There was no way they could have done all of that, in those costumes, and not keel over and die. Not only did they not die, but they didn't even take 5 minutes too cool down back stage before going out yet again to sign more autographs!
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Guess Who's Back
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Back Again

Afterwards, we kinda took it easy back stage. This was the chill period. We all kinda took photos, sat around, slowly packed up the gear, chatted a bit, raided the water and beer bottles...

I asked Fu~ki to take a pic of Suzuki, Yuu, and me...
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Try #1
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Try #2
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Third time's the charm
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On the way home, Fu~ki threw his copy of Razorblade Romance in the CD player. What ensued was Fu~ki, Shelly, Leslie, and I all singing Join Me. Antonio told me at one point, Kiwamu was trying to get Daniel to turn it off, but Fu~ki and Miwa wouldn't have it. That was over my head. Either way, I noticed NoA asking Fu~ki alot of questions about HIM. He was a HIM virgin and was really liking what he was hearing. When we got back to the hotel, we all cleaned up. After all that, we were gonna go out and party!
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Remember the cigarette to the chest? This looked 10 times worse in real life.

The Party was organized by the TNT staff as a sorta "everyone meet eachother" deal. It was on the roof of an old looking hotel somewhere deep in the heart of Mexico city. On the way there, Antonio and I grabbed the luggage area of the van. We had a convo there about why we were there doing our jobs (me being the PV director, him being the translator). Turns out, we had alot in common. He's really into J-Rock, anime, and comic books, so he wanted to learn English and Japanese to better understand them. He was also impatient for translations. We then got into a convo about comics, J-Rock PV's and a discussion on if Malice Mizer's Illuminati has a sort of Evil Dead appeal to it (I think it's popular for..... other reasons).

When we get there, we are ushered straight to the roof and were offered all kinds of drinks (I was a good boy, no matter how much Fu~ki and Kaede tried to get me to change that!). I was actually a kinda wallflower, Kiwamu was kinda chill as he sat in with Larkspur and Windy, leaned back, and had some tequilla, but the other guys were having a ball! Everyone was having a blast, and the DJ was actually really good! I spent most of the night taking in the view of the city, which was rather breath taking.
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Nothing but city lights as far as the eye can see. Fu~ki urged me to stop being solitary and have a good time. I was being all modest and was content with sitting in a corner and sipping a Coke. He wouldn't have it though. He grabbed me out of my seat, and grabbed one of the girls from Windy, and had us dance. That was fun! However, I think she was more modest than I was! After one song, she asked if it was ok if she sat back down, and I said yes. I went over and chatted with Antonio and Andres a bit.
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However, Kaede now thought I was being too much of a stick in the mud, but instead of snatching a random girl, he had me dance with him! After a song, I was a little overwhelmed and sat back down. Everyone continued to have a good time, whether it be the girls singing along to "I Feel Like a Woman", or NoA breaking out of his shell and partying down, a good time was had by all. Fu~ki can actually dance too! He was puuling a You Got Served at one point!

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This... is simply... the best picture I have taken... ever

We stayed until the DJ stopped playing. Afterwards, we just went back to the hotel and crashed.


(This post was approved by Shelly Lefferts, Fu~ki, and Kiwamu)

Friday, September 09, 2005


Wow. I totally wasn't expecting that kind of audience! You guys were seriously great! I hope you guys liked what you heard and continue to tune in in the following weeks! Here's last night's playlist:

A Perfect Circle - Annihiliation
BLOOD - I Remember You (Vengeance For BLOOD 2 version)
Dir en grey - Dead Tree
D`espairs Ray - Dears
Psycho le Cemu - Love Is Dead
Suicide Ali - Favorite Song
T.M. Revolution - Heart of the Sword
L`arc~en~ciel - Jojoshi
Gazette - Carry?
X Japan - Celebration
*The Night At The Roxburry Guys*
The Pillows - Hybrid Rainbow
*Interview with Mitsukazu Mihara*
Malice Mizer - N.P.S.N.G.S.
12012 - Shinshoku
Phantasmagoria - Material Pain
Luna Sea - Loveless
Kagrra, - Ibitsu
Buck Tick - UTA
Hyde - Horizon
SID - Ajisai (WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!)
SID - Watashi Wa Ame
Hora - Inner Universe
Alicenine - Akai Kazaguruma
CKy - Suddenly Tragic
*An Elightening Interview With Richard Cox*
D`espairs Ray - Garnet
Kagerou - XII Dizzy
Pierrot - Dramtic Neo Anniversary
Dir en grey - Mercilless Cult
Okuto - Dirty Inspiration (Album Version)
Coaltar Of The Deepers - Unlimber

(Requests in italics)
(Special Events in *)

Joining us in the studio were Bad Transitions' Roger-Replacement Craig Carestia and The Night At The Roxburry Guys: Pat Carr and Matt Shack.

I want to thank everyone who listened last night. We didn't even do half of the stuff we wanted to do, but you guys, especially on the Batsu forums, seemed to be having a blast! Also, I want to congratulate those that won prizes last night:

Jonny - East Hartford, CT: Vengeance For BLOOD 2 (Won by being Tainted Reality's First Request)
Mary - Ambler, PA: ~San~ (Won by being caller 5 during Ibitsu)
Gabby - Columbus, OH: An Answer Can Be Found (Won by being caller 7)
Jessica - Perry Hall, MD: Coll:set (Won by being caller 8 after the Richard Cox Interview)
Tiffany - Livingston, NJ (REPRESENT!): Advent Children (Won by correctly answering the Final Fantasy VII trivia question)

For those of you who are wondering, the answer to the trivia question to win Advent Children was Lucrecia. We asked for Sephiroth's biological mother, as in the mother that actually gave birth to him, not his genetic mother, which would have been Jenova. However, for those of you who didn't win the Japanse version, just wait and see what we do for the American version!

For those of you wondering when our next give-away will be, you're in luck coz within the next month and a half, you have 2 chances!

Your first chance to win J-Music mercandise will be with out Tainted Reality Logo Creator Give-away. We want to market the HELL out of Tainted Reality, but how can you market if you don't have a logo? See, I'm a huuuuuge fan of HIM, and not only do they have a logo, but they have a symbol (The Heartagram) too. We are looking for the same thing. We would like a logo and a symbol, but that is not manditory. For you submissions, they must be original, non-copyrighted designs with the words "Tainted Reality". The symbol is optional, but prefferable. The winner will recieve a Tainted Reality J-Music care package with CD's, DVD's, and a shirt with the winning design on it! Please e-mail all submissions to The deadline for this is October 12th.

Your other chance to win stuff is when we have our interview with our first J-Rock ban, Suicide Ali. Suicide Ali made their American debut on our show last night and are hoping to gain a fanbase here in the States. Let's try to help them out by spreading the word about this interview, which will air October 20th.

Aside from all of that, we aired our interviews with Mitsukazu Mihara and Richard Cox. As I said before, Mihara-san was really impressed with the interview, and will recieve a copy of it soon. I am hoping that if she comes to the US again, we can get a longer interview. As for Richard Cox.... I've only heard stories about his reaction to the interview. He was.... amused and extatic from what I understand. Either way, I hope you all enjoyed the interviews, as there are many many more to come! Both Interviews will be available on SoulSeek soon.

The Night At The Roxburry Guys were really great. We wanted to do more with them, however we felt it important to get as many requests in for the first show, this also squeezed out our Otakon Coverage. However, we are working with their people to get them back next week and do a true show that covers the events of Otakon 2005. We will be working on how to hos the Roxburry Guys' music video. If anyone out there knows anything about video hosting, please e-mail me or post in our comments section.

Also, last night, we played an up and coming VK band from Kobe called Okuto. Many people seemed to like 'em too! Thanx Sarah for introducing them to us! Their website, along with Sucide Ali's is linked below.

One thing I do want to add is that my J-Collection, as extensive as it may be, is still a bit small. So, if there is some band or album that makes you think "Roger's such an ass for not having that", please post it on the comments section, and I'll do my best to have it by the next show.

One last thing I want to mention is something we came up with last night. When requesting, it helped us alot when people gave us the song they wanted, the band, the album, and the track number. Most of my CD's are w/o tracklists because I had my case stolen in Mexico. I won't bite your head off if you don't do this, but it will help us emmensly as we can try and prepair your request as soon as possible.

Well guys, what did you think? How badly did we suck? Angry you didn't win something? Feel free to bitch us out and vent all of your frustration, anger, and spam on our comments section as much as you want.

Once again, thanx go out to everyone who listened!

-Roger - Sucide Ali (Do not speak English) - Okuto (Do not speak English) - Bi-Polar Clothing (Official Makers of future Tainted Reality Clothing) - The Official Web Comic of The Night At The Roxburry Guys

P.S. Deepest apologies go out to those who's requests didn't get played. Please don't be too mad. Things were a little overwhelming for us last night. However, please request again next week and we'll do our best to fulfill it! Also, to the girl who requested Alicenine, I am so sorry if I gave you a hard time on the phone. The CD started skipping, then the phone was acting weird, then I wasn't familiar with the song you were asking for... I am so sorry. And my last apology goes to the 5th caller for the Advent Children DVD. Every once in a while, we like to have fun with our callers, so I apologise if we threw you off guard a bit. So, this is for everyone, if you call us, and something weird happens, that means its us. I hope I didn't offend you guys and you all continue to listen in!

Thursday, September 08, 2005


This is it! This is the big night! The time once again is 7pm (US Eastern time). Here's what we got cookin' up for tonight:

Otakon Coverage ft. a surprise cosplay guest
Announcement of a new Tainted Reality contest
Announcement of our first J-Rock band interview
Interview with Mitsukazu Mihara
"Special" Interview with Richard Cox
Prizes to winning callers

These prizes include:
D`espairs Ray - Coll: set
Kaggra, - ~San~ Limited Edition
BLOOD - Vengeance For BLOOD 2
CKy - An Answer Can Be Found
Surprise DVD

To listen in, you need Winamp or ITunes. Simply go to and click "MP3 simulcast". For requests (which are HIGHLY encouraged), please call 717-872-3518 or 717-872-3519 or IM us on AIM at WIXQ917. Hope to hear from ya! For any questions, post here or contact me via my personal AIM: akilatem2


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bad Transitions First Show Tonight

Bad Transitions (My former show) is having their first show tonight from 7-10pm with Craig Carestia as the new co-host. You can listen in at on the MP3 Simulcast. You do need winamp or ITunes to tune in. Show my old show some love and make some "requests" *cough cough*!


P.S. Behind The Tour: VFB3 Part 6 has been submitted for approval.